Frequently Asked Questions

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Publishers, authors, and creators worldwide primarily making book/publishing-related content in English (as of right now, we lack fluent speakers in other languages).

Learn more about our guidelines here

Learn more about our fees here

Gold, silver, and bronze medals will be awarded in each category. Each winning book receives a medal and a personalized certificate. High-resolution versions of the medalist artwork are also available for purchase for book covers and promotional materials.

Judging will be based on content, originality, and production quality. 

We will confirm your entry via email and send judging updates and results announcements by email as well, so submission of a valid email address is mandatory. Please inform us of any email address changes or additional contacts you’d like added to our contest update list.

Thank you for your interest in being featured! To get started, simply fill out our quick form here. This will help us learn more about you and present your work in the best possible way.

We charge entry fees to pay for administering the awards, including everything from storage space and shipping (to judges and winner’s packets) to living wages for our staff.

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